Sunday, May 27, 2012

Day 12: Five guys whom you find attractive

So this one I thought about all day...because to me being attractive is more then just a hot face and sexy body. There is so much more to being attractive than that. Such as, I find a guy with a kind heart to be very attractive, along with having a good mind, and being someone that people look up to. I also find a guy who is able to have a positive attitude about things, who is constantly smiling, and who just has this fun way about him, who can laugh and joke and just lighten the mood. Also I love a guy who is outgoing and friendly and confident along with being assertive, with out being a jerk. The most attractive thing I find in a guy is the ability to be a great friend, someone who has listened to me talk about anything and everything, who has held me when I've cried, who had promised to kill any guy who hurts me, who has made me smile when I've had no reason to, who go out of their way to make me happy, someone who can just have a crazy awesome time with me, those guys, those true best friends, those are the guys who I find to be attractive. And that's really any guy that has been a best friend to me. So to all those guys in my life, which is so much more than five, thank you. You all are the guys that I find attractive and you know who you are. ;) <3

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