Monday, April 16, 2012

Day 14: Describe 5 strengths you have

1.) I'm narcissistic, most people would think that is bad, but I'm not selfish nor do I believe I'm better than anyone else. I just have excessive love for my self and I am caught staring at my self in any reflective surfaces. ;)

 2.) I'm short, not like midget height, I'm 5 foot even. And although, I can be insecure about my height, I've learned to make my self stand out anyways. I hardly ever go unnoticed. =)

3.) I know who I am, and I know what I want, I go for it, I'm assertive and aggressive without being violent, I fight for things that are important to me, but I also know when to let go, but I don't give up easily.

 4.) I'm incredibly understanding of who people are. I'm not too quick to judge, although I am human so I'm not completely nonjudgmental, but I have an open mind and a compassionate heart. I can keep secrets and I love to listen to people's life stories.

 5.) I am good at learning my own lessons. I realize that my past shaped me, my present teaches me, and my future is waiting for me. I love making my own experiences. I have no regrets, although sometimes I wonder why I made certain choices. There are some things that I miss, but I'm 100% ok with everything I've ever done because if I hadn't of experienced it, I would not be who I am today.

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